[Problems][Solved] How to count rows in datagrid in vb.net

Hello guys,

i've just encounter some problems during my programming in vb.net or visual basic dot net :)

the problem occurs when i wanted to count rows in a "datagrid" remember, its "DATAGRID" not "datagridVIEW" :)

a lot of website resolve the issues by just stating that use this "Datagridview.rowcount". Believe me, in datagrid, you only have "datagrid.visibleRowCount only! which just count rows that visible to you/datagrid. the hidden rows arn't counted!

so, how to count rows in datagrid?

1. create a integer variable to hold the row count data

dim rowcount as integer

2. next, type:
rowcount = DataGrid1.BindingContext(DataGrid1.DataSource,DataGrid1.DataMember).Count.ToString

(*where DataGrid1 is your datagrid name)

and viola! you've done it! :)

Hope this helps!


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